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APC NBSV1000 NetBotz Surveillance Base [NBSV1000]

APC NBSV1000 NetBotz Surveillance Base Product image for reference only
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APC NBSV1000 Description:

NETBOTZ Surveillance Base (HW, SW,15 nodes) This is not a stocked item, general lead time is 14 DaysPI DATE : May 2006 SOFTWARE : NetBotz Surveillance Base NO OF NODES: 15 Nodes * NetBotz Surveillance is an Appl that runs on the NetBotz Central Svr & acts as a central repository for video information captured by the NetBotz monitoring appliances * Provides users with options to quickly access surveillance events & play movie-like clips of those events * Recorded data can be easily reviewed, searched & tagged for future needs * Enables central management and control of a large network of appliances * Customie & capture a rich-image visual record from the appliance * Masking & sensitivity settings eliminate nuisance alerts
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