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Canon E+3 DIOPTIONRIC Lens without Frame [E+3]

Canon E+3 DIOPTIONRIC Lens without Frame Product image for reference only
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Canon E+3 Description:

Canon E+3 DIOPTIONRIC Lens without Frame E+3 DIOPTIONRIC Lens without Frame This is not a stocked item, general lead time is 9 DaysPI DATE : Jun 2008 PRODUCT : Dioptric Adjustment Lens E DIOPTRIC ADJUSTMENT: + 3.0 diopter COMPATIBLE Product : Digital Rebel XSi Digital Rebel XTi, EOS 10D , EOS 1D Mark II N , EOS 1N , EOS 1V EOS 20D , EOS 20Da , EOS 30D , EOS 40D , EOS 5D ,EOS D30 EOS D60 , EOS Digital Rebel , EOS Digital Rebel XT , EOS Rebel 2000 EOS Rebel G , EOS Rebel G II , EOS Rebel K2 , EOS Rebel T2 EOS Rebel TI , EOS Rebel X , EOS Rebel XS , EOS-1D , EOS-1D MARK II EOS-1Ds , EOS-1Ds MARK II * Dioptric Adjustment Lenses provide near and far-sighted users with a clear viewfinder image without wearing spectacles * Requires Rubber Frame Ef, Eb or Ec. For all EOS cameras
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