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PlusOptic BiSFP+-D3-10-PLU: Cisco compatible BiDi SFP+ Transceiver, 10G over 10KM, LC connector for SMF. DOM: Yes.
#html-body [data-pb-style=TRAW1XJ]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Juniper Compatible DAC, QSFP+ to 4SFP+, 40G, ...
PlusOptic 40G DAC with QSFP+ to 4SFP+ connectors, 1M, Twinax, Passive Cable
PlusOptic 100G DAC with QSFP28-QSFP28 connectors, 1M, Twinax, Passive Cable
Cisco compatible 100G DAC with QSFP28-QSFP28 connectors, 1M, Twinax, Passive Cable
#html-body [data-pb-style=DN7S6GU]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Cisco Compatible 10G, BiDi SFP+, TX1270nm / ...
#html-body [data-pb-style=RGXVV38]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Extreme compatible? (10GB-BX40-D), 10G, BiDi...
#html-body [data-pb-style=BIOYU6T]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Extreme compatible? (10GB-BX40-U), 10G, BiDi...
Brocade compatible 10G DAC with SFP+ to SFP+ connectors, 2M, Twinax, Active Cable | PlusOptic DACSFP+-2M-A-BRO
Extreme compatible 10G DAC with SFP+ to SFP+ connectors, 3M, Twinax, Active Cable | PlusOptic DACSFP+-3M-A-EXT
Arista Networks Compatible DAC, SFP28 to SFP28, 25G, 5M, Passive Cable, DACSFP28-5M-ARI
Brocade compatible 10G DAC with SFP+ to SFP+ connectors, 3M, Twinax, Active Cable | PlusOptic DACSFP+-3M-A-BRO
PlusOptic 40G DAC with QSFP+ to 4SFP+ connectors, 2M, Twinax, Passive Cable
#html-body [data-pb-style=TF5F7CX]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Extreme compatible? (10GB-BX40-D), 10G, BiDi...
#html-body [data-pb-style=RM1P2Y3]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Extreme compatible? (10GB-BX40-U), 10G, BiDi...
Juniper compatible 40G DAC with QSFP+ to 4SFP+ connectors, 3M, Twinax, Passive Cable
PlusOptic 40G DAC with QSFP+ to 4SFP+ connectors, 3M, Twinax, Passive Cable
Dell Compatible 100G DAC with QSFP28-QSFP28 connectors, 2M, Twinax, Passive Cable
PlusOptic 100G DAC with QSFP28-QSFP28 connectors, 2M, Twinax, Passive Cable
Juniper compatible DAC, QSFP28 to QSFP28, 100G, 2M, Twinax Cable, DACQ28-2M-JUN
Juniper compatible (JNP-QSFP-40G-SRX, QSFPP-4X10GE-SR), 40G over 150M, MTP/ MPO connector for MMF. DOM: Yes.
PlusOptic 25G, SFP28, 1310nm, 10KM Transceiver, LC Connector for SMF with DOM | PlusOptic SFP28-LR-PLU
Brocade compatible 10G DAC with SFP+ to SFP+ connectors, 1M, Twinax, Active Cable | PlusOptic DACSFP+-1M-A-BRO
Juniper compatible 40G DAC with QSFP+ to QSFP+ connectors, 0.5M, Twinax, Passive Cable | PlusOptic DACQSFP-40G-4-0.5M-JUN
H3C compatible 10G DAC with SFP+ to SFP+ connectors, 7M, Twinax, Passive Cable | PlusOptic DACSFP+-7M-H3C
PlusOptic BISFP+-U3-10-PLU: BiDi SFP+ Transceiver, 10G over 10KM, LC connector for SMF. DOM: Yes.
PlusOptic BISFP+-U3-10-PLU: BiDi SFP+ Transceiver, 10G over 10KM, LC connector for SMF. DOM: Yes.
PlusOptic 10G DAC with SFP+ to SFP+ connectors, 7M, Twinax, Active Cable | PlusOptic DACSFP+-7M-A-PLU
Juniper compatible 10G DAC with SFP+ to SFP+ connectors, 10M, Twinax, Active Cable | PlusOptic DACSFP+-10M-A-JUN
Huawei compatible 10G DAC with SFP+ to SFP+ connectors, 10M, Twinax, Active Cable | PlusOptic DACSFP+-10M-A-HUA
PlusOptic 10G DAC with SFP+ to SFP+ connectors, 10M, Twinax, Active Cable | PlusOptic DACSFP+-10M-A-PLU
Juniper Compatible DAC, QSFP+ to 4SFP+, 40G, 5M, Passive Cable | PlusOptic DACQSFP-4-5M-JUN
PlusOptic 40G DAC with QSFP+ to QSFP+ connectors, 5M, Twinax, Passive Cable
Cisco compatible 40G DAC with QSFP+ to QSFP+ connectors, 5M, Twinax, Passive Cable
Juniper compatible SFP28-SR-PLU: PlusOptic SFP28 Transceiver, 25G over 100M, LC connector for MMF. DOM: Yes .
Juniper compatible 40G DAC with QSFP+ to QSFP+ connectors, 5M, Twinax, Passive Cable | PlusOptic DACQSFP+-5M-JUN
Huawei compatible 40G DAC with QSFP+ to QSFP+ connectors, 5M, Twinax, Passive Cable
PlusOptic 100G DAC with QSFP28-QSFP28 connectors, 3M, Twinax, Passive Cable
Cisco compatible 100G DAC with QSFP28-4SFP28 connectors, 3M, Twinax, Passive Cable
PlusOptic 40G DAC with QSFP+ to 4SFP+ connectors, 5M, Twinax, Passive Cable | PlusOptic DACQSFP+-4-5M-PLU